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Become What You Are
(April 18, 2005)

This article is primarily written to Christians, but the concept is easily applicable to anyone's life.

Many people live below their level of happiness and success because they don't know who they really are and the heritage that has been passed down to them. A good example that bears this truth out is found in the Walt Disney movie, The Lion King. Cimba is a young lion cub that gets swept away by life's problems and finds himself bumming around with two loser friends. But over time, and with the help of a spiritual advisor he finally sees himself for who he really is and then takes his rightful place in life as the ruler and conqueror of the jungle. Notice that when he took his rightful place, everyone else around him did well too.

In your case, has life hit you so hard that you have forgotten, or never before realized who you are, and that God has created you to excel in every area of your life and be a blessing to all who know you? If so, you are not alone. There are many who are being tossed and turned in life and they are without a rudder to steer themselves to calmer waters. May we suggest you consider making the Bible the 'rudder' of your life. Dig into it to see what all is yours when you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. Experience profound change in your life when you realize that you are God's child, dearly loved and filled with potential to live a strong, successful life. Remember, you are not Cimba, the lion cub, but Cimba the king of the jungle! Become what you are. Begin your conquest today!

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