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Power Lines
(Let these power lines hook you directly to your main power source, God!)

This page may be the most important page on the website, in that it teaches you practical ways to adopt a lifestyle of faith in everyday circumstances. As already stated, God responds to faith, and faith must be proven by corresponding action. Saying these statements out loud and believing them will energize you in any difficult situation and put you back in control. Not only will you be in control of your response to the problem, you prepare the situation for God to step in and perform a supernatural act to change what is happening into something more favorable. Scripture teaches that there is power in our spoken words. Romans 4:17 says: "...who (God) calls those things that are not, as though they were." As in the beginning of creation, God 'spoke those things which were not, as though they were'. He started with nothing and 'spoke' the world into existence. God now invites us to do the same thing. When things are going bad, you 'speak' what you want to happen, boldly, and with the assurance that it will be done with God's help. In Mark 11:24, Jesus says: Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Here we see again the importance of believing something has happened before we see it. Then in Joel 3:10 we read, Let the weak say I am strong. Here again we are admonished to speak the answer, not the problem. Are you lying when you say things like that? Not really. What you are saying is that, "With God's strength, I can do this!". And when you bring God into the picture, He is obliged to come in and make up the difference. Another place in scripture that talks about 'speaking' to your problems is found in Ezekiel 37, where God commands Ezekiel to "Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, "Dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord!" and then he tells Ezekiel to command the bones to come alive again, and they do! So speak to your problems! Use your God-given authority to take control of your life today!

Below are statements you may want to memorize and use often when applicable during your day.

1. "Every day's a good day."
Start you day off right, and affirm that today is going to be a good day, or even a great day!

2. "I say it until I believe it."
This one is great for giving you assurance of Biblical truths that you would like to be made real to you. This done by choosing key scripture verses that you want to get down deep into your heart, and repeating them. It is a form of meditation.

3. "It doesn't matter."
This is a great line for little things like spilled milk, paying a bit too much for a purchase, or even large problems like a failed business. The fact is, God, who is your provider, has unlimited resources in which to help you in whatever problem you have.

4. "I can start again."
Again, this is one that can be used whenever there is loss. Many people fail numerous times in life before they find success. In life, we keep playing until we win!

5. "Slow and steady wins the race."
When life tries to hurry you and perhaps cause you to make mistakes, this one will help you slow yourself right down. Take time to smell the roses. Don't just enjoy the victory, enjoy the journey!

6. "I keep my eye on my goal."
Don't do what the apostle Peter did when he was walking on water with Jesus, keep your eye on your goal, and not on all of the negative possibilities. Keep affirming, that with God's help, you will succeed!

7. "I am bigger than fear."
This one is great when life tries to convince you that you will never conquer your fears. You may not know how you are going to conquer them, but you know that somehow you will!

8. "There is a 'stress-canceling response' to my every problem."
No matter what happens to you, there is always a stress-canceling response that will take the stress away of what you are dealing with. As you grow in your faith, you begin to excel at taking the problems off of your shoulders, and place them onto God's. It's a great feeling!

9. "I don't care, because God cares for me."
Over and over the Bible talks about God not wanting us to have any anxiety or cares. This statement reinforces that truth. This one is great for those early weeks in your recovery when life just seems to be so overwhelming.

10. "This is how I am right now, I won't be like this forever, and I make no apologies for it."
This is a great line for people who climbing there way out of depression or anxiety. During recovery it can sometimes be difficult to face other people. This line takes the onus off of yourself and puts it on the other person. If they don't like you the way you are right now, it's their problem, not yours.

11. "I see myself capitalizing on my failures."
This is great for anybody who makes mistakes (and who doesn't.). Don't allow your mistakes to convince you that you are some form of sub-standard human being, and that you will never succeed at anything. Take those failures and somehow capitalize on them. It's a great feeling when you can!

12. "I see myself as a winner before I see myself victorious, in the natural."
You have to use your imagination and see yourself how you want to be, before you have the actual victory.

13. "I see my prayers getting answered before I see the actual answer to my prayers."
Same principle as above. You need to ask God once for the thing you are requesting from Him, and then spend the rest of your time thanking Him for being faithful to His Word and granting you the thing you want. Don't keep crying and whining to God saying,
"God, I keep praying and praying, when am I going to get what I want?"

14. "I see myself as highly esteemed by others before I see them esteeming me."
You must see yourself as the person you want to become, before the changes take place. Your sub-conscious will work at causing you to become the person you want to be, according to the picture of yourself you hold in your mind.

15. "I see myself as highly prosperous before I see the money in my bank account."
Many people have a poverty mentality which stops them from becoming successful financially. It is God's will that you excel in every area of life, including finances!

16. "I see myself as healed in my body before I see and feel the changes I desire."
Don't let symptoms stop you from proclaiming what is rightfully yours in Christ Jesus. Jesus' death on the cross paid for your spiritual rebirth and your physical well-being. Claim your healing according to the scriptures that support divine healing, and claim it until the manifestation takes place. Remember that faith and patience are two sides of the same coin.

17. "I see myself as a humorous person, without even trying."
Humor is a great attribute, and indeed the Bible speaks many times about the importance of laughter. The question might come up: How do you become humorous? I think it starts with having a care-free heart. A heart that is quick to give God any problems that come up in life. I think also, people make the mistake of trying too hard to be funny. This makes me think of guys like Jim Carrey who will go to great lengths to get a laugh (rattle his head against a toilet bowl in Liar Liar), and then there are others like Jerry Sienfield who almost do nothing and they are funny. If you want to be funny, and don't know how, just let it start happening in you slowly, without you even trying. I think that is the best way to go.

19. "I take setbacks as temporary and bounce back easily!"
Welcome those setbacks knowing that with God's help, you will bounce back! This Powerline given to us by Eric Kinney.

20. "I can, and I don't have to."
One of the most frustrating things a person can encounter is the feeling that "I can't, and yet I absolutely have to." But no more! Be assertive, and enjoy freedom. This Powerline given to us by Eric Kinney.

21. "I live my life effortlessly."
Hebrews chapter 4 talks about the importance of entering into God's rest, and that we should 'cease from our own labors'. So begin to do everything peacefully and effortlessly. Make life look easy and people will wonder what your secret is!

22. "My job is easy."
Adopting the mindset that your job is easy, positions you for enjoyment of your job and advancement in your job.

23. "I forgive everyone immediately after they hurt me."
Forgiveness is for you, not so much for them.

24. "I keep playing until I win."
You'll never lose if you never quit.

Remember, all of the above statements, along with specific Bible verses that you come across in your daily reading, will cause you to see the desired changes in your life. Practicing these concepts will cause your faith to grow, as well as develop your level of peace, so that life becomes easy and enjoyable. God bless you as you work toward a fulfilled and happy life!

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