Change your life Today.

What We Believe

These are the basic beliefs of our approach to your emotional healing:

1) That life is an gift given to us by God.

2) That everybody is able to reach full happiness no matter what negative experiences have come
    their way.

3) That depression and anxiety is a thinking problem often stemming from fear.

4) That we create our own emotional problems by the way we react to problems in our life.

5) That we either react to problems out of fear, or faith. (You would be surprised how many of your
    decisions in life are based on fear!)

6) That a persons faith in God must be developed (it does not come naturally).

7) That circumstances or people, do not have to affect our peace, confidence and happiness.

8) That it doesn't matter what we've done, forgiveness is available.

9) That God loves us very much and is wanting to help us be happy, so we can then help others
    become happy.

10) That God's Word is powerful in its ability to transform our beliefs, which in turn, transforms our
      thinking and then our feelings.

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