What Do I Feel?
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    How To Conquer Fear

Why Do I Feel So Bad?

Bad feelings come from negative thinking, and negative thinking comes from negative believing. Negative believing is developed over time and is influenced by the environment you associate with. Negative believing puts you at a disadvantage in that it causes you to react incorrectly to life's difficulties and thus adversely affects your emotional well-being. Responding incorrectly to life's challenges comes from 2 origins:

1) If you have a history of abuse in any form, be it verbal, physical, sexual or spiritual, you will be susceptible to incorrect perception of problems in your life, and this incorrect perception will subsequently cause you to react negatively to life's hardships. If this is the case in your life, depending on what the abuse was and how you responded to it, it may require that you to go through an inner healing process. This process is very common. If this is the case in your life, it is comforting to know that many people all around you are going through similar transitions in their lives and are coming out of it completely healed and able to continue living a happy productive life. As a matter of fact these people live a much happier life because they are now able to carry a message of hope to others who may be in similar circumstances that they once found themselves previously. There are many avenues to choose from in obtaining the counseling you feel you may need. You may meet personally with a minister, counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist. You may want to be counseled online by one of the certified counselors associated with this website. You may know of a friend or neighbor who has gone through a similar difficulty who might offer knowledge and support to the extent they are able. You may want to become a member of a support group, or enroll in an inner healing retreat weekend.  There are also many self-help books and tapes available on the topic of inner healing as well, many of which are available for rent through this website. While teaching material is helpful, it is always best to have a support structure around you as well, who can encourage you along the way in your recovery. If you would like to discuss which options are good for you, we would be happy to comment from our perspective.

2) The other origin of incorrect responses to life's struggles comes from lack of knowledge, meaning that nobody ever taught you the proper handling of problems when they come up. There are many avenues for obtaining understanding of problem solving life's dilemmas such as: Listening to sermons from a good minister at a church service, meeting personally with a minister or counselor. You can also choose to meet with a person you respect and who is successful in life, and find out what their secrets are. You can also read books or listen to recordings on selected topics. Recordings (audio, CD, video or DVD) are available at most public libraries and can also be rented from this website.

One of the consequences of seeing the world from an incorrect perspective is that it affects the way we make decisions, to read an article entitled "Why Do I Make Poor Choices?", click here.

Key Truths To Wellness

Knowledge of the following truths are critical to understanding and enjoying good mental health. Please familiarize yourself with them, as they will be discussed throughout your journey to recovery.

Truth #1 - The Truth of 'Opposites'

All through life it is evident that there are opposites. For example: Right and wrong, hot and cold, love and hate, high and low, truth and lies, positive and negative, life and death, poverty and prosperity, forgiveness and vengeance, good and bad. If you were to carry this absolute into the spiritual realm, you would get this: If you believe there is an all good, all knowing, all powerful creative force which we will call God, you would have to agree that there must be an equally, ever-present, evil force trying to steal, kill and destroy life. If you base your spiritual opposite-absolute on the writings of the Bible, you would get this: You have a positive, loving, life-giving God who wants you to be alive, healthy, happy and prosperous, and you have a negative, hating, sinister force called Satan who wants to steal, injure and kill. A force that will do anything to steal anything you have, including your peace and emotional well-being, your finances, your physical health, everything you have is open game!

Many people believe there is an all powerful force that created this world, but they have difficulty believing that there is an opposite force trying to disrupt life. So what happens is, God gets blamed for all the wicked things in the world. Is that fair? God creates the world and people so He could have companionship with them, but in order that He didn't end up with a bunch of robots, He gives them a free will so they have to choose to love Him. He creates them with a soul (mind, will and emotions). Man has a choice to either pursue good with his life (and hopefully include God in his life), or he can choose to do wrong with his life, and live only to satisfy his own selfish desires. Choosing to live our own life without the intervention of God opens us up to evil possibilities, such as terrorist attacks and wars. It is sad, but man has the ability to carry out a lot of wickedness, and only the prayers of good people can change the way those plans get carried out.
Truth #1 - The truth of Opposites.

Truth #2 - The Truth of 'Choices'

All through life you are given the freedom to choose. Choosing wisely gives you more freedom. Choosing unwisely reduces your freedom. Everything in life requires a choice. The situation you are in today, in most cases is a direct result of the choices you made in the past. Many things affect our choices, so it is best to be careful what you allow in your life that could have an adverse effect on your decision-making process. This can even be carried over into the realm of emotional well-being. It isn't what happens to us that makes us unhappy, it is how we respond to it, that determines our well-being. You can choose to see the bright side, or you can choose to see the negative side. Seeing the bright side sometimes takes more effort, but it is worth it. Everything in life requires a decision, and our choices affect those around us.
Truth #2 - The Truth of Choices.

Also see 'Why Do I Make Poor Choices?'

Truth #3 - The Truth of 'Sowing and Reaping'

There is a physical law that says, "What you sow is what you will reap." If you sow a bean seed, you will get a bean plant. If you plant an acorn, you'll get an oak tree. If you show kindness to people, you will usually be shown kindness in return. If you subject yourself to visual and audio stimuli that is negative you will more than likely be subjected to negative feelings. If something happens to you that is negative, and you brood over it for any length of time, you will more than likely be subjected to negative feelings. If you make an effort to allow positive stimuli affect your senses, ie. sight, sound, smelling, tasting and feeling you will more than likely, automatically, have positive feelings.
Truth #3 - The Truth of 'Sowing and Reaping'.

Truth #4 - The Truth Of Friends and Enemies

You Have Friends
It is a fact that we have both friends and enemies. When we are depressed, it feels like we don't have any friends, but that is not true. Our usual friends may be tired of us, but there are many friends around that we have never even met. God has His workers all over the earth, and if you are open to them, they will cross your path. If you are having trouble finding them, we can help you locate them in your area. Meeting your new friends is helpful in that sometimes they recognize things in your life that your usual friends just let you get by with. A real friend will bring things to your attention that need change. Often our family or older friends don't recognize our faults because we may have had them for a long time. A new friend can offer you a different perspective. If you ever find yourself in a position of offering valuable advice, please remember to offer it gently and compassionately.

One of the new friends you will meet on your journey to recovery, is somebody that up until now has been your worst enemy, that being you. The Bible gives us a crisp example of how we are to react when being overwhelmed by life's problems. There is a story in 1Samuel 30, where it describes a situation where King David returns after a battle, only to find that while they were at war, another army came to their camp and stole all the women and children, and all of their belongings. All of his men were deeply saddened of their loss, and in fact were going to stone David. Out of this situation came a very good piece of advice to all who find themselves in a difficult situation. The end of verse 6 says, "...but David encouraged himself in the Lord His God." Indeed, when you are in trouble, the last thing you need is for you, yourself, to heap guilt, self-pity and judgments on yourself. But what do most people do? They beat themselves up more. That has to stop. Yes, you may have caused the problem, but that is normal when you consider we are only human, prone to mistakes. That is no reason to start crucifying yourself. At that point, you need all the help you can get! The very first person you need on your side is yourself. So, it may have been a while since you've met the positive side of you, but don't be shy, give yourself a big hug :). Seriously though, you can show support to yourself in a really easy, but helpful, way. Latch onto the most important piece of weaponry you possess, your spoken words. Begin to use your mouth, and speak positive affirmations about yourself, out loud, so that you can hear yourself. When I was in the depth of my depression, I began speaking favorite Bible verses to myself, and within 2 weeks I was back in the work force, and even began dating my wife. That act of faith, builds inner stamina, and actually brings all of heaven at your disposal. The more you do it, the more you believe it, and the more you believe it, the more of heaven is at your beck and call. If you are interested in making use of your God-given weapon, we have faith-statements or prayers available that can help you change both yourself and your circumstances. So start speaking! By the way, King David ended up getting back all their armies loved ones, as well as of his stuff back. So, do what David did, 'encourage yourself in the Lord', and watch your feelings and your circumstances snap back in place!

You Have Enemies!
In addition to friends, we also have enemies. We've already talked about our oftentimes main enemy, ourselves, but there are others. While we can motivate our spirits and tongues to work 'for' us, we also have another part of us that must be conquered, our flesh. Many times our flesh will hinder us from doing what we know we should do, and so you need to develop self-control, so that when 'mutiny' is about to jeopardize your imminent recovery, you force your flesh to comply. For example, all those times when you know you should be getting physical exercise to stimulate the endorphins in your brain, and your body says, "How about we do it tomorrow?". Don't give in. Force yourself to get out and do what you know you have to do. All those times when you should be reading an uplifting book or listening to positive, faith-building teaching, and your body says, "How about we watch some TV?". Don't give in. Everything in balance, mind you. If you've already watched 20 hours of TV that week, turn off the TV, and do what you have to do. All those times when your friends want you to stop by and talk to you, and your body says, "Wouldn't it be much better if you stayed home?". Don't give in. Force yourself to get out. Hey, now that we are on a roll, the same goes for your diet. Get rid of the junk food. Cut down on all the processed sugar in your diet. Use honey instead of sugar. Eat fruit. Eat high fiber foods. Start being a friend to your body, not an enemy, and you'll feel better.

Another enemy is Satan. Up until now you thought it was God who was your enemy, but you've learned the truth. God is your best friend. Your most despised enemy is Satan. Develop an healthy respect for him, he is way more clever than you, way more patient than you, and way more passionate about his work than you. In all accounts you are outnumbered. But you can learn what his strategies are in taking down people, and yourself, in particular. Once you know, you can be prepared. Like the old saying that says, "To be forewarned, is to be forearmed." Don't be caught unawares. Do your homework. Find out what is happening in the spirit world. Find out what spiritual weapons are at your disposal. Study. Listen. Observe. Learn. You stay in the drivers seat in your life. Don't let the enemies in your life regain control. Build yourself up. You may only be 4'-9" on the outside, but you can be 10' tall on the inside! Work at it. Be diligent. Be determined to make up for lost time. Don't quit until you've got life by the tale, and it becomes easy.

So, know your enemies. Know who your friends are. Make use of all that's available to help you, until you get back on top. We'll be here, if you need any coaching along the way.

Lies That Hold Us Back

The information at the top of the page describes what influences a person to see life from an incorrect perspective. Below, we will reveal a few of the actual lies that you may be inadvertently believing, which is causing your emotional pain. We will be updating this list as we go. If you see any lies as possibly affecting you, we can talk about them. If you are on an 'Email-a-Day' program, you can initiate a conversation on any of the lies below, please click on the Lie number.

Personal - (PE)
PE 01 - I need to look a certain way to be happy, accepted and successful.
More and more, people are becoming overly self-conscious about how they look. They think they need to look a certain way in order to be liked by others and to gain self-approval. If this is true than how come there a millions of not-so-good-looking people who perfectly happy and successful? Thus it is not in how we look that helps us succeed. The worst thing that ever came up lately to deepen this lie in peoples minds are these Reality TV shows such as Extreme Makeover. Many people are watching these shows thinking if I could only do this or that to my body I would have more self-esteem. Don't fall for that lie. Believe the truth - God can prosper you in the relational aspects of your life as well as financially no matter how you look!  

Still want to go ahead with the cosmetic surgery. Joan says, "Think twice."

PE 02 - I need to act a certain way to be happy, accepted and successful.

Here are some other lies that are similar to this lie.
PE 2.1 - I don't want to be a boring person, so I'll act like......
PE 2.2 - Because of the people I like to associate with, I have to act like them or I won't fit in.
PE 2.3 - Those people are successful so I'll act like them.
PE 2.4 - My parents said I should be more like my brother (or sister), so I keep trying to be.
PE 2.5 - The people I esteem the most (actors, musicians etc.) act like this... and I want to
             be just like them.
PE 2.6 - Some leaders in my religion promote a stereotypical way of acting, and I need to
             make my personality match this stereotype.
PE 2.7 - You need to be ‘Mister Personality’ to make it big in life.
PE 2.8 - I need to be funny to be accepted and successful.

Friendships - (PE)
FR 01 - I can't make friends.
FR 02 - Nobody would want to be my friend.

Love - (LO)
LO 01 - I need to have a lover to be happy.
LO 02
- I could never be good enough to be somebody's lover.

Marriage - (MA)
MA 01 - I can't be happy with my existing spouse.
MA 02
- My spouse will never change.

Employment - (EM)
EM 01 - I can never be happy in my job.
EM 02
- I'll never have what it takes to be gainfully employed.
EM 03
- I'll never progress past the level of success I now have, or did have.
EM 04
- I'll never find a job.

Emotional Well-being (EW)
EW 01
- I'll never be truly happy again.
EW 02
- My past is so bad, I'll never recover from my emotional scars.

Religion - (RE)
RE 01 - God doesn't love me.
RE 02
- God wants me to be unhappy.
RE 03
- I can't be happy as a Christian.

Finances - (FI)
FI 01
- I need money to be happy.

Family - (FA)
FA 01
- I need to be loved by my family to be happy.

Intellect - (IN)
IN 01
- I need to be intelligent to be happy, accepted and successful.

Health - (HE)
HE 01 - I need good health to be happy.
HE 02
- I'll never be healed physically.

Things - (TH)
TH 01 - I need lots of things to be happy and accepted.

Leisure - (LE)
LE 01 - I need to have an active leisure life to be happy.


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